Blessing the Journey

This was our very first Japanese native that we have had the pleasure to photograph! What a blessing it was indeed!!

She initially saw our work through a couple Japanese websites we took photos for earlier in the year. She contacted that sites owner and got our contact information. Amazing how the world is all connected!

When we met with Nalumi, she had such a brilliant spirit that radiated out of her - despite her MAJOR jet lag (she just had gotten in to HI the day before) - she was so open to everything, anything, and all of us!! By the end of the shoot, we felt like old friends that just got together for a nice day in the park...

Speaking of nice days - it was a TOTALLY rainy morning - with the over cast clouds and all... but she was such a trooper, totally did not DIVA out on the situation, but instead just continued to radiate out of her HEART!

Nalumi - may your journey continue to be blessed abundantly - and may our paths cross again!! Thank you for allowing us to capture your beautiful heart! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Now... go show your dimples!! :)